Sunday, March 18, 2012

Things I love:

1. Old school RVs. They are just stunning, can't you just imagine spending the summer traveling around with this? Just you and the one you love, and a summer of adventure.

2. This lovely lady's blog. She just moved to the springs too! I just can't stop "liking" her instagram posts from around town. 

 3. This print called "Wind Catcher" by Rachel Caldwell on Society6. That website is great, check it out for sure, it's where I get my iPhone cases.

4. This BEAUTIFUL red color on Skunkboy Creatures. Love her style, and if you are not already aware, I have a certain passion for pushing the limits on how red I can get my hair. 

Have a Lovely day friendlies.

This Week:

This week was a beautiful one in Colorado Springs. Guys, I'm talking dress weather IN MARCH, if you know anything about Colorado and living here, you know how crazy rare that is.
So what did my friends and I do with the glorious weather? Got outside and played Frisbee of course!
The picture above was just one of the dresses I wore this week, as you can see its a smidgen short, so I fashioned some bloomers out of leggings how's that for flash protection?!

I got my new glasses just in time for Saint Patrick's day, so they were my splash of green. I love them!

Tonight for dinner I am making naan pizza using this recipe for the naan and these suggestions for toppings. Yum! I can't wait! I'll post about that later of course!

xoxo dollfaces!